How to Stay Healthy at the Office
Working full time can make it difficult to stay healthy. If you suffer from stress caused by your job then it can lead you to eat impulsively in attempt to relieve the pressure. Also if you are feeling tired from working hard it can be extremely difficult to make the effort to exercise. Plus there is the obvious downside of sitting all day. However it is possible to have a healthy, balanced lifestyle while working. Follow these tips to stay healthy at the office and set yourself off on the path to a healthier, happier life.
The One Hour Rule
Sitting and remaining immobile is not good for you. Unfortunately for many of us our jobs require us to sit at a desk for hours at a time. Solution: The One Hour Rule. At least once every hour get up out of your seat and get your body moving. Whether it is to make a coffee, a drink of water or even just a walk down the corridor and back it will do your body good to get the blood flowing.
A Tidy Desk is a Tidy Mind
Organisation in your physical surroundings can actually help your mind to feel clear. Avoid having random papers everywhere and do not have any litter at your desk. Keeping it clean and tidy will help make you feel more settled which is much better for your health. Also you should clean your desk regularly, think of all the germs on your keyboard, mouse and phone. Invest in some antibacterial wipes or spray and once a week give everything a good clean.
This is a rule for everyone whether working or not: drink plenty of water. Dehydration leads to headaches and feeling unwell which will reduce productivity. Water is also good for your muscles if you are not using them throughout the day.
No More Fast Food
This is the most difficult rule to follow. Fast food, or any packaged food is generally full of salt, fat and sugar and is not good for you at all. Plus since you are sitting down all day you are not able to burn any of it off. Try eating light yet filling foods, such as salad with chicken or tuna. The best practice to eating healthy at work is by meal prepping so that you are not tempted. Making your lunches and snacks will also save you money which is definitely good for you.
Compensate for Time Spent Sitting Down
Since you are guaranteed to be sitting for the majority of the time you spend at work you should make a conscious effort to get active while not in work. In other words you should compensate for all the time you spend sitting by taking part in physical activity during your free time. It can be difficult to get motivated to exercise, especially when you are tired from working all day. If you are an early riser you may find it easier to work out in the morning before work. However if you struggle to do this you could try exercising on the weekends.